Fitness Nutrition Forums

Body Building

5 Muscles You Need to Exercise That You've Never Heard Of

Chances are that you're familiar with each major muscle group in the human body. It's likely that you've formulated an effective workout regimen that segments each ...

Why Free Weights Will Help You See Faster Muscle Growth

Many beginners will walk into the gym, look around, and walk straight to the exercise machines. The chest press machine is probably the most popular of ...

Four TRX Suspension Training Exercises You Can Do at Home

The benefits of training with a TRX Suspension Training System for just about everyone are undeniable. From hard core athletes to traveling executives to the busy ...

Weight Loss Plateaus: How to Get Over the Hump

You've put in the hard work. You've overhauled your diet. You've put in countless hours at the gym, sticking to those grueling workouts time and time ...

3 Easy Full-Body Kettle Bell Exercises

If you are looking for one very efficient piece of exercise, look no further than the kettlebell. Kettlebell workouts are famous for burning fat by increasing ...

8 Quick and Effective Band Exercises

Many of us spend endless hours on a computer or stuck behind a desk each day, but our bodies are meant to move! Exercise bands (especially ...

Get Moving! 5 Ways to Work Your Core

Here are fives ways to help you develop the waist that you've been working towards. Once you've already begun to clean up your diet, your next ...

Real FitDay Users Share: What Was Your "A-Ha" Moment?

What sparked you to embark on your fitness journey? For many of us, it was one moment or incident - the "a-ha" moment - that got ...

What are Bodyweight Exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are some of the most common and beneficial exercises that you can do. These exercises do not use free weights or any other type ...

How Kickboxing Can Transform Your Workout

To keep a workout fun and worthwhile it's good to mix things up and one way to do that could be through kickboxing. Doing the same ...

How to Avoid a Catabolic State

A catabolic state is a condition that is mainly caused by excessive training coupled with a lack of adequate nutrition, especially protein. It results in numerous ...

What is a Catabolic State?

The body faces a catabolic state during normal metabolic functions. This idea, opposed to an anabolic state, actually defines the breakdown of foods and nutrients so ...

How to Physically Maintain an Anabolic State

Maintaining an anabolic state is a primary concern for every bodybuilder or lifter. Better known as the muscle building state, this ideal physical state can make ...

What is an Anabolic State?

During an anabolic state, tissues found within the human body obtain energy for growth and maintenance. Anabolism requires energy to occur, unlike catabolism, which actually provides ...

How to Recover from Overtraining

If you workout too often, overtraining can become a problem for your body. It is extremely important for your muscles to get the proper amount of ...

3 Ways to Avoid Overtraining

Overtraining can do serious damage to your body. For starters, you are putting yourself at a greater risk of injury. By working the same muscle groups ...

How to Increase Upper Body Strength with Kickboxing

If you are looking for a great way to define the muscles of your upper body, try kickboxing. Although it may sound like kickboxing is only ...

5 Symptoms of an Adrenaline Rush

An adrenaline rush is an extremely intense feeling. Adrenaline is a natural hormone that is produced by the body and secreted throughout the body when you ...

How Adrenaline Can Maximize Your Workout

Adrenaline can be a very good thing for anyone working out in the gym. If you've ever been running on the treadmill or lifting a personal ...

The Truth about High Blood Pressure and Adrenaline

Adrenaline directly affects, regulates and determines the body's ability to maintain a healthy blood pressure. When the adrenal gland becomes damaged or contains tumors, an excess ...

Recent Body Building

    • Getting Jacked on a Budget

      Money management might not be a part of your preconceived exercise ideology, but getting jacked can be an expensive endeavor. The combination of high-quality food items, ... Read More »