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How Kickboxing Can Transform Your Workout

Fitday Editor
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To keep a workout fun and worthwhile it's good to mix things up and one way to do that could be through kickboxing. Doing the same workout week after week can get boring, but if you start throwing in some kicks and punches you may begin to see fresh results and feel a new invigorating energy. Adding kickboxing to a workout gives it a new, dynamic twist.

The benefits to taking on such a workout are plentiful and worth the sweaty aches. Kickboxing can transform your workout and lead to further toning of your body and an increasing of endurance. Those two things are what everyone wants from a good workout. And you can still get a great workout without the physical contact of sparring. Let's explore how kickboxing can do this.


Kickboxing is defined as the fighting technique of combining karate-type kicks with the punching of boxing. Both karate and boxing on their own are vigorous workouts, but the combination of them gives you the ability to workout both your upper and lower body. In addition, it takes stamina to get through a good kickboxing workout. Because of this, the cardio aspect to your workout will be covered.


The first transformational benefit you would see from adding kickboxing is through stretching. Most people do some stretching, but stretching without purpose can be done carelessly and even skipped. However, with kickboxing it is a necessity. Because you will be kicking and doing movements that you haven't done before, it could lead to muscle stress. However, by starting with 15 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises you will get more out of your muscles and...workout.

The Basics

There are two ways to do this workout: with the assistance of a trainer who has kickboxing experience or on your own. There are some basics you can do in order to begin seeing the transformation results. The basics include punching, kicking and core training.


The punching part of the workout will include using heavy bags or speed bags, and pads. The art of performing this aspect of the workout properly is through a combination of punches. The quick jab and hook punch are the combination that will give you the ability to tone the upper arms, shoulders and chest. Performing these combinations over a two to five minute span of time will also get your heart pumping. This is done by increasing the speed and length of time performing these punches.


There are three primary kicks to start out with; they are front, side and roundhouse kicks. The best place to start is just kicking at nothing. Stretching will help increase your kicking range. Eventually, you can work up to kicking the bag, pads or punching dummy. The leg muscles will quickly get toned because the entire leg will be used through the aspects of maintaining a strong balance and stance while performing multiple sets of kicks.

Core Training

The core of your body, which includes the abs and lower back muscles, will get an unintentional workout just by performing the punching and kicking training. However, a full kickboxing workout should include strengthening the abdominal and back muscles through such exercise as crunches and side bends. Building the core will help your movements get better and grow your stamina, as well as tone your body.

Each aspect will work the major muscles of the body. The combination of using the muscles in such a quick manner tones as well as develops an endurance that can speed up the metabolism. It won't take long to see the benefits of this body transforming workout.

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