Fitness Nutrition Forums


The Reality of Dealing With Concussions

Because concussions can cause permanent damage, they should not be taken lightly. While you can’t always avoid head injuries, concussions are serious and need to ...

5 Anti-Aging Supplements That Actually Work

Are you tired of spending money on anti-aging creams and magic pills that aren’t getting you results? Many products claim to get rid of wrinkles ...

Your Loofah Is Grosser Than You Could Possibly Imagine

If that loofah you got as a gift has been hanging around your shower for a while, then you should probably think twice before you use ...

Coconut Versus Olive Oil: Which Should You Use?

If you’ve been doing some reading on proper nutrition lately, you may have come across two different types of oils that come highly recommended. ...

A Bath for Every Seasoning: Are Ramen Baths Healthy?

Bone broth is healthy, so bathing it in must be too? Yunessan Spa House in Hakone, Japan has transformed the spa bathing experience into a delicious ...

5 Reasons Why Sex Hurts

John Mellencamp might have been right about love when he sang “Hurts So Good.” Unfortunately, the same lyrics don’t ring true for ...

Learning About Probiotics: Should You Use Them?

We often think of bacteria as a bad thing; we use antibacterial soap and antibiotics to heal infections. But in recent years, scientists have learned more ...

Hot v Cold: Which water temperature is best for your skin

Which is Best? Unfortunately, hot showers and baths dry out your skin, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). UPMC notes that hot water ...

Sure, The FitBit is Cool — but Does It Record Your Sexual Activity?

Since its release in 2008, the Fitbit has taken the market by storm. As of 2016, it is still one of the most popular activity and fitness trackers, ...

Is Healthy Obesity a Myth?

The idea that you can be healthy at any weight is alluring, especially for those who'd rather live with a wide waistline than utter the word "...

The Fat-Burning Soda that Claims to Make You Thin

There are a plethora of seemingly-miraculous foods that promise everything from limitless energy to curing the common cold, but the latest fad is a soda that ...

Is the State You're Living in Making You Fat?

We are all well aware of the obesity epidemic that currently plagues our nation. With more than 78 million people in the United States being categorized as ...

Not Only Do Bacteria Live in Your Stomach, But They May Make You Fat!

It's an exciting time to be in nutrition! Imagine if doctors came out and said they had discovered a new organ in the body. That's essentially ...

Dissecting the Link Between C-Sections and Obesity

A recent study done by researchers at Boston Children's Hospital seems to indicate that children born by cesarean section are twice as likely to become obese ...

The Skinny on Losing Weight with Green Coffee Beans

The latest buzz brewing in the nutrition world is the recent link between green unroasted coffee beans and weight loss. A recent study found that overweight ...

Lack of Sleep: A Weighty Issue

Not getting enough sleep can do more than just make you feel sluggish the next day--it can actually sabotage your weight-loss goals. When you feel tired ...

Spicy Foods: How Pepper Can Help Curb Hunger

Hot peppers not only add delicious heat to your favorite dishes, they can also provide an array of health benefits. Hot peppers contain a component called ...

The 10 Easy Steps to Weight Loss

Over the last 20 years, food portions have increased dramatically. As the size of our plates have grown, so has the expectation that the larger amount of ...

Five Best-Kept Secrets to Include in Your Diet

You always hear about foods that you need to avoid or eliminate from your diet. What about foods that you should be eating, but may not ...

The Eight Powerhouse Foods You Should Be Eating

These 8 powerhouse foods are filled with nutrients that are very beneficial for your body. Consider adding these foods to your diet to assist in weight loss ...

Recent News

    • The 411 on Sushi

      What exactly is sushi? What about sashimi? Sushi is often touted as being healthy, but not all options at your favorite fish establishment are created equal, ... Read More »